by Paurheynger | Apr 25, 2020 | House Projects
One of the best blessings we received from God after our wedding is our house. It is an answered prayer. The unit was just reopened to buyers when I found it; I think it was the last one for sale in the subdivision. We got the house just in time before our wedding....
by Paurheynger | Apr 22, 2020 | House Projects
Upcycling brings out creativity in a person. Have you seen posts about old t-shirts or any material at home transformed into new products? T-shirts to bags, tires to cushions, oil drums to wash basins. Aren’t they lovely? They prove that there is a lot we can do with...
by Paurheynger | Apr 21, 2020 | House Projects, Relationships
It has been a good season to plant. We have all the time in the world to dig, cultivate, till, and sow seeds. This is now the normal in our front yard every morning while having our daily dose of sunshine. We’re growing herbs like mint, tarragon, and dill, together...