This might be the question of every first-time mom when they experienced these painful involuntary muscle contractions. It was my big question that night! I never had leg cramps before. Never! And I do not know that they are that painful! The thought that it could be normal for a pregnant woman to experience it frightened me. Who would want to be in pain every night? No one!
I remember my sister who works in a manufacturing company. When we were still living together, we would be awakened by her cries at 3am. She always experiences leg cramps at dawn! Now that I knew how painful it is, I could not imagine how much she suffers from it. Yay.
I was on my 25th week when I had these painful spasms. Days prior to that night, I noticed how the muscles at the back of my calves would stiffen whenever I walked up and down our stairs. I told my husband about it, but we both didn’t know what it could mean. I did not give it much thought until that fateful night. Maybe there is a connection between them.
My first instinct the next morning was to search the Internet about leg cramps. According to the articles I read, despite being a common occurrence among pregnant women, there is no clear explanation why these involuntary contractions of muscles occur. However, there are theories regarding them.
- The uterus is pressing on certain nerves or the growing baby is putting pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that go to the legs. Maybe there is decreased circulation in the legs. I do not know much about this, but I’m sure that Fave is getting bigger these days.
- Fatigue. I did nothing strenuous that day though.
- Calcium or magnesium deficiency. I’m taking my vitamins (and milk!) regularly so I think it’s not about deficiency.
- Dehydration. I have been drinking water a lot since my pregnancy!
I also read somewhere that leg cramps may be caused by the stress on the leg muscles due to carrying extra weight. Well, maybe this one could be the “culprit”. On our 26th week, we were finally able to visit our doctor. And I found out that from 46 kg last March (first week), I now weighed 51 kg (first week of May)! I could not believe it! In my 30 years of living, this is the first time that I reached the 50 mark. 😀
However, there is still no safer way but to consult our doctor. I reported what happened, and her first question was whether I’m taking my vitamins. She added nothing when I said yes about those supplements. So maybe leg cramps are really normal? So far, I have not experienced them again. I pray that it will be the first and last.
On the night of my leg cramps, aside from thinking whether it is common among pregnant women, I also thought about the pain I had. I have low tolerance to pain; at that moment, my thought was what if it will be more painful during delivery? With that in mind, I tried hard not to cry due to those cramps (but I groaned! Couldn’t help it!). I cannot be defeated by such pain! My mind told me that I should be stronger, and my heart whispered that I can do it. And I did survive it with my husband massaging my calf muscles. Whew! My muscles were still aching a day after, but I felt stronger than the pain now! I hope that this is how I will feel until I safely deliver our baby (and even after that!). It should be. It will be.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
Romans 8:18
I look forward to seeing Fave’s face. What a glorious day it will be!

Powerful Relationship is a dream project birthed during a crisis – the COVID-19 pandemic. This site is not about a perfect relationship but building a powerful one centered on a loving God. Join us in our journey of marriage, parenthood, and more!